Engwithan Cuirass for Avowed – legendary heavy armor!

Reading time: 4 min.
2 weeks ago

Engwithan Cuirass is a unique cuirass from the Engwithan Armor set from the plate armor category. The armor combines high protection, health regeneration and the ability to regenerate essence when attacking. For those who prefer to tank enemies in Avowed – it will fit absolutely, as it can easily withstand high damage.

The armor is made from Living Adra. The Engwitans, an ancient civilization, were famous for their ability to use adra in the creation of not only architecture and mechanisms, but also armor. One of the most famous dissidents of this civilization is Iovara ix Ensios, a woman who rebelled against the Engvitan faith. Her soul was imprisoned for heresy, but even torture could not break her spirit. The cuirass is associated specifically with her name, as it symbolizes unwavering fortitude in the face of suffering.

Characteristics and Bonuses
Armor Type Heavy Plate Armor
Quality Common, can be upgraded
Damage Reduction 30%
ADR (Additional Damage Reduction) 7
Stability 21
Maximum Stamina -50
Maximum Essence -50
Armor Effects
Iovara’s Defiance Slowly regenerates up to 15% of maximum health
Soul Manipulation 1% of damage dealt is restored as essence

This armor is suitable for characters who prefer to play through survivability and constant resource recovery in battle. However, its main disadvantage is a strong reduction in maximum stamina and essence. Therefore, if you are pumping a mage – you should not use it!

How to get Engwithan Cuirass?

The exact location of the armor is unknown. But given the history and characteristics, Engwithan Cuirass can probably be found in Engwithan ruins, temples, or in special quests related to Jowara or Engwithan heritage.

How do I improve Engwithan Cuirass?

The armor can be improved at the Workbench in Party Camp. Upgrades increase ADR and durability and make the armor stronger.

Table of improvements and necessary materials

Quality Level ADR Stability Required Materials
Common +0/3 7 21 Base level
+1/3 10 22 Pelt ×4, Paradisan Ladder ×2
+2/3 13 23 Pelt ×16, Paradisan Ladder ×4
+3/3 16 24 Pelt ×28, Paradisan Ladder ×6
Fine +0/3 20 25 Adra (Aven Adra) ×4
+1/3 24 26 Tanned Hide ×4, Hylea’s Talon ×2
+2/3 28 27 Tanned Hide ×16, Hylea’s Talon ×4
+3/3 32 28 Tanned Hide ×28, Hylea’s Talon ×6
Exceptional +0/3 36 29 Awakened Adra ×4
+1/3 40 30 Stelgaer Leather ×4, Admeth’s Wyrt ×2
+2/3 44 31 Stelgaer Leather ×16, Admeth’s Wyrt ×4
+3/3 48 32 Stelgaer Leather ×28, Admeth’s Wyrt ×6
Superb +0/3 54 33 Corrupted Adra ×4
+1/3 60 34 Balarok Skin ×4, Cave Coral ×2
+2/3 66 35 Balarok Skin ×16, Cave Coral ×4
+3/3 72 36 Balarok Skin ×28, Cave Coral ×6
Legendary +0/3 78 37 Adra Bán (Pure Adra) ×4
+1/3 84 38 Dragon Hide ×4, Bloodwrithe Toadstool ×2
+2/3 90 39 Dragon Hide ×16, Bloodwrithe Toadstool ×4
+3/3 96 40 Dragon Hide ×28, Bloodwrithe Toadstool ×6

This armor becomes incredibly durable at maximum enhancement.
